After much thinking and help from Mrs H. on seam selection my new backpacking tent is done. Well almost I still have one small piece of netting to put in by the door. And it is a tent with no floor so I have to find a small piece of Tyvek house wrap. I found the drawings on line and made the pattern out of newspaper. The material came from Seattle Fabrics the only place I could find the material I wanted. I did not pick the lightest nylon called for since my cheap side kicked in and could not cough up the extra $5.oo per yard to save 0.7 ounces. It turned out a little longer than I like. The person who designed it made it long so you would have some shelter to eat inside and not get in the way of your sleeping area. It takes six stakes and uses my hiking poles for poles. I might make a couple of additions like a sewn in floor and maybe a couple of side pull outs. If I made it over I would make it two feet shorter.
Next step try it out. And keep the total weight with floor and stakes under 32 ounces. A savings of almost two pounds from the tent I used before.