Monday, December 04, 2006


Every year we struggle with doing the annual Christmas (brag) letter. Well this I am going to do it for the first time. That should be interesting. It will be fun to see how many edits WB decides are needed.
I also have decided I need to post on my blog on a more regular basis. I noticed I have not put anything on it since October. I am using Google's new beta version on e-blogger they said it was improved but I do not see any difference yet. But I can restrict who sees it which would make WB happy.

This should be a less expensive Christmas than last. The youngest is in Cambodia, and has her Christmas checks deposited. I put in for socks, and to have my external hard drive, box and National Geographic book wrapped and put under the tree. WB wants new pots and pans from Walmart. Oldest daughter wants socks. And Biscuit I am sure will get a large amount of WB finds. Just need a list from my son-in-law and we should be set.

Well it's off to start the letter.

1 comment:

farfromca said...

Sadly, we won't be writing our annual letter this year, due to a certain someone's lack of enthusiasm and a preference to spend $ on picutre cards. :( I am so sad. If you get stuck, feel free to give us a call - and by us, i mean Jake... he is the clever one (despite his lack of enthusiasm this year).