Sunday, January 14, 2007

My Disneyland

The week after New Years is the time to go to Yosemite. It had the fewest people I have ever seen. At 9:00 am on Tuesday I only saw one person on the trail to Lower Yosemite falls which is right by Yosemite Lodge. Quite nice. But also quite chilly. We even got our act together and made reservations a whole year in advance for next year. As you can see by the picture of WB the Cross Country Skiing was good.
Not a lot of snow for this time of year but a good ski for the first time this year. On this trip I tried to work on using my digital camera. Fairly early Tuesday morning I went out with my film camera and my digital to take some pictures as the sun was coming on over the mountains. It not real clear but upper Yosemite falls has a faint rainbow in it. My film camera's exposure is better but not by much. I still need to learn more about how to get the correct exposure using the histogram thingy. I checked out some photos being sold in the Ansel Adams Gallery $38.00 for a matted 8*10 and $28.00 for a 5*7. So I came home and ordered a new photo printer from It was on sale with free shipping. I had been looking at it for about a year. It also will work for WB since you can put your memory card right in the front.

Still working on am I going to visit the youngest in Asia somewhere. Yosemite has a sister park in China. The name of the park is Huanqshan National Park. And my new National Geographic Adventure magazine came it had an interesting trip in India to the foothills of the Himalaya's. I think I made the youngest mad when she called because I could not be more definite about any plans. Hopefully I will get my act together and figure it out soon.

It's finally starting to warm up so time for a bike ride. WB is in San Francisco today with her friends.


farfromca said...

Wow, yosemite looks so beautiful! It has been a while since I have been there and Jake has NEVER been. I can't wait to take him.

Melissa Haworth said...

Glad you had fun in Yosemite. You should get back to your younger daughter....