Saturday, May 13, 2006

Enough Toys

The Granddaughter is coming over for a visit on Monday. She and her mom are staying over night. Mom has to work so Grandpa and Grandma are taking care of the baby. I decided that I should get out all of the play structures, toys, etc and make sure we have enough to keep her entertained. As you can see from the photo I think we are ready. Since the baby is just short of seven months old I feel the play structures will not get much use this visit. But hope to try out the baby jogger and maybe the swing. Might even play in the tee pee a bit. And by the way it is not quite all the toys. I think there is another swing in the garage.
Good final long training ride yesterday for the Davis Double. One hundred and thirty one miles.
Off for a short ride.


Melissa Haworth said...

holy crap!!!

farfromca said...

I am quite impressed! Might be more fun for the grandparents right now, but it won't be long!!!